

Vent Tubes - poypropylene

Vent tubes regulate airflow in ventilation systems by displacing stale air and allowing fresh air to enter.

Bends - polypropylene

Air conditioning bends occur in air ducts which transport hot or cold air around a building.

Ventilation Control Systems - polypropylene

Ventilation control systems are devices used to regulate the amount of fresh air supplied to a given indoor space.

Ventilation Control Systems - T/PIECE

Vent tubes regulate airflow in ventilation systems by displacing stale air and allowing fresh air to enter.

Curtain Kits

Curtain kits are plastic strips hung from doorways to form a barrier for maintaining constant temperature in air-conditioned rooms.

Sealing Kits

Sealing kits in air conditioning are products designed to prevent or stop the leakage of refrigerant gases from the air conditioning system.

PVC Fras Ducting

PVC FRAS ducting is a ventilation system for mining purposes. The FRAS component means that it is designed to resist flames and static electricity.

Bare Ventilation Systems

Bare ventilation systems are a low-cost option for industrial and commercial spaces that require basic ventilation.

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